Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 8

Well, after my first post, my computer decided it didn't want to connect to the internet. So now that it is working again, lets try this blogging thing again!

Currently I am in week 8 of my chemo treatments. That means I have completed 8 infusions. I am finally off all my extra dexamethasone they put me on after my first treatment. I had a rough time that day. So they gave me a ton of extra roids to prevent more allergic reactions. So for the last 7 weeks I was on 52mg of dex a week. And so I would go through tiny withdrawals each week by the time Wednesday would roll around. Monday and Tuesday I would have random shakes, feel like utter crap and just want to crawl into a hole. Now I am only on 12mg of dex/week. So much better. I feel much better on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesdays.

I am pretty puffy all over. My hands and feet look like I am 8 months prego. I also have a bloody nose most days. I have never in my life had a bloody nose. Until a few weeks ago. Now I get them daily. My blood levels are good though. Platelets are actually high. And all my other levels are within normal range. This is great. I know that when I start the A/C chemo my levels will drop, so being high or normal now while on Taxol is fantastic!

I am 3/4 of the way done with my Taxol treatment. 8 out of 12. Then I start A/C. I am super nervous about A/C. From what I've read and my oncologist has told me, its going to be rough. So we will see how that goes in 5 weeks. Then I will have an infusion one time every two weeks. For a total of 4 infusions, over 8 weeks. Then I will be donezo with chemo. And then I get to get testing done and decide on a surgery.

Surgery has been on my mind lately. I think my next post will be on that.

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