Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Every feeling under the sun is what I've feeling.

I'm nervous that the A/C treatment won't work. I am nervous that the side effects will be brutal. How am I going to take care of my sweet boys if I can't  function.

Also, just fyi, and I din't know if this is how it is for everyone, but my armpit with the swollen lymph nodes, feels like it has been kicked by a steel toe boot. It a tender and painful and it sucks.

My older son starts school in 3 weeks. I am nervous that he is going to bring home the sniffles and because of my lack of immune, turns into the flu for me. Mothers of young children should not be allowed to get sick. Like we should get immunity for it for at least pre-school through 3rd grade. Its the least mother nature could do after putting us through child birth. Like a just pass go, collect $200 card.

I wish Thursday would just hurry up and get here. Where is life's FF button? Because it sure would come in handy right about now!

And I know this post is scattered full of random thoughts. But thats how my head is working right now. It is crazy.

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